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Children Project in Chibuto

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What we do

Bringing the Kingdom to Africa one heart at a time

Africa On Fire is on a mission to see Africa changed through demonstration of God’s love in a practical way, through the power of Holy Spirit. Based in Chibuto, Mozambique we work to accomplish this goal by reaching the physical and spiritual needs of people in a variety of ways:

Church Planting

Building the Church in Mozambique and Africa

Jesus said, “Go and make disciples.” One of the most effective ways to make disciples is through the local church. Since 2007, Africa On Fire has planted 50 churches: 1 in Johannesburg, South Africa, and most throughout villages in Mozambique, and recently in Malawi. The goal is always the same: making disciples who disciple others. Through this intentional style of followup and relationship, a cycle of discipleship is created. The result is powerful: local churches filled with grounded believers who are going deeper in their relationship with God, who carry Kingdom influence in their communities, and who are bringing change in Mozambique, and set Africa on Fire!


Bringing Transformation and Revival

Africa On Fire was birthed in an atmosphere of revival, and we continue working to establish a culture of the Kingdom in every village and community we have influence in.

Village Outreaches are primarily done in the Gaza province, an area in southern Mozambique that is largely unreached by the Gospel. this also happens in other provinces as well, all the way to Zambezia. Outreaches typically include visiting and encouraging the local church and going from house to house praying for healing and salvation. We hear many stories of amazing miracles through this outreach! Africa On Fire also provides practical help to families in need, inline with our mission, ‘to demonstrate God’s love in a practical way’. 

Crusades are held up to twice a month, usually in unreached villages. Lasting 3-4 days, Crusades are times of powerful worship and preaching. Every time, the Holy Spirit moves powerfully and we see miracles, healing, and salvations. Out of these Crusades, we see existing churches grow and in places there is no local church, we identify local leaders and start a community of believers.

Pastors Conferences take place once a year, one in Gaza at the Center of Hope and one in Morrumbala Zambezia. when we gather the leaders of local churches throughout Mozambique for a time of teaching, encouragement, refreshing, and vision. We invite pastors and speakers from around the world to come for this special time to invest in the future of Mozambique’s local churches.

About the founders

They started Africa On Fire Ministries and moved to South Africa, where they planted a church in one of the poorest townships in Johannesburg. In 2010, Felito and Anna moved Africa On Fire Ministries to Mozambique.

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Children Project in Chibuto

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To Proclaim Christ and Demonstrate God’s love in a practical way to see the Kingdom established in Africa as it is in Heaven.

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