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Children Project in Chibuto

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Creating a Safe Place for Orphans

“For when you saw me hungry, you fed me. When you found me thirsty, you gave me something to drink. When I had no place to stay, you invited me in, 36 and when I was poorly clothed, you covered me. When I was sick, you tenderly cared for me, and when I was in prison you visited me.” Matt 25:35-36 TPT

During a crusade in Gaza province, Ap. Felito and his wife Anna saw a deep need among the children. One grandmother was left to raise 8 kids after her 4 daughters died, and in many cases children were raising other children. To answer the need, a vision began to take shape for Center of Hope. We wanted to build a place that would offer:

  • A safe haven for 216 orphans in Gaza and Inhambane Provinces

  • A children’s center for local families

  • A garden to feed the children and bless the local community

  • A trade-school to provide better job opportunities

  • Agriculture and farming classes available for residents of Center of Hope and the community

  • A clinic to treat common illnesses (flu, malaria, worms) and more complex issues (pregnancies and HIV/AIDS)

Center of Hope has been a labor of love and a testimony of God’s faithfulness for the last several years. It is located on 72 acres of land provided by God, in Chibuto, Mozambique. Currently on the property are 2 houses of Hope with 26 kids, a cafeteria, a church and temporary structures to house visiting missionary teams and local staff.

Upon completion there will be 12 gender- and age-specific homes called Houses of Hope. Each house will be home to 14 children and 2 house parents. The land also supports a garden with fruits and vegetables to not only feed the orphans, but be a blessing to other local children and families as well. This will allow the Center to be completely self-sustaining. We are currently projected to complete Center of Hope by 2026.

Make a difference wit us

Hope Kids

Feed a child with us…

Hunger facts in Mozambique, 80% of population cannot afford enough food for good health and 24% are chronically food insecure. At least 25% of Mozambique are malnourished.

We are located in a place that has been devastated by HIV AIDS. We have over 300 kids coming for meals twice a week, to some that’s the only meal for the day. Some kids are on retrovirus HIV medication and they need a really good nutritious meal to survive. For as little as $1 a day you can help a child get a nutritious meal. Please contact us if you would help.

For further reading: USD Nutrition profile for Mozambique https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1864/Mozambique-Nutrition-Profile-Mar2018-508.pdf 

Dress a child

Because poverty is so great around us, decent clothing for the children is a great need, and one of the things you could help through this program is to dress a child, there are bags of used cloths we can buy and as many as 60 kids can benefit from the clothing. Up to 60 kids can be dressed every 3 months for a gift of between $100-$150. Click here for photos

Back to school program

Helping a child get school uniform

In Mozambique it’s compulsory to have a school uniform to attend school. This is a big challenge for the poor, especially for children who are living by themselves. Even those in families that can’t afford to do it end up giving up on school and the cycle of poverty continues.

For the last few years at the Centre of Hope, at the beginning of the year we have been helping children get uniforms for school. However, there are still more kids needing help. We are working with local schools to search out the children that have left school because of not having uniforms and books so we can help them get back to school. This opportunity to change the life of a child has a great impact as it also leads to change within the whole community. Email us if you would like to help a child. We will connect you with this child and you can follow their story throughout the year. For $35 you can help a child get uniform and books the a year.

After School program or Educational

The education system in Mozambique is not the most amazing, due to the lack of schools. Children are at school for a short time each day in the same class room or “teaching under the tree” is used for 3 or 4 classes a day.  We are believing God that these children can do well, so we have after school supplementary education to help them excel in education. We have also been blessed by a program to help the children with dyslexia. Felito called an organization in New Zealand to see if their program can be used in Africa to help our children – the cost of using this program is $80 a year per child. Miraculously the CEO of the company answered the phone and decided to donate 40 logins with the possibility of having more logins. This program is also helpful for non-dyslexics.  We are so very grateful for the Lord’s provision. We are also now been blessed with an education program that will take our kids’ education to a higher level. It’s called “SMARTBOX” and we are now in possession of it, our kids are loving it, learning a lot. will be able to share more about that in a few months. to see some photos about it just click on our facebook link

here are some sobering facts from the Ministry of Education of Mozambique.

The Ministry of Education reports that less than half of the population finishes primary school, and of those who do finish, only 8 percent transition to secondary school.  Mozambique’s overall literacy rate is 47 percent; female literacy (28 percent) far behind that of males (60 percent).

Source: https://www.usaid.gov/mozambique/education  

About the founders

They started Africa On Fire Ministries and moved to South Africa, where they planted a church in one of the poorest townships in Johannesburg. In 2010, Felito and Anna moved Africa On Fire Ministries to Mozambique.

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Children Project in Chibuto

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To Proclaim Christ and Demonstrate God’s love in a practical way to see the Kingdom established in Africa as it is in Heaven.

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